Homogenizer Compression Block

The concept of VHP multiblock head differs from the monoblock head because it relies on a separate-blocks construction, that minimizes the material stress caused by the pulsating pressure peak.
Conceived for very high pressure range
The VHP compression block has been developed for pilot and industrial homogenizers with pressure from 600 bar up to 1500 bar.
The special configuration of the gaskets for high pressure and the use of special wear resistant materials provide the most reliable and effective solution for using the homogenizer in very high operating pressure condition.
Reimagine Liquids
It may surprise you how many products need homogenization in their manufacturing process to make them more compatible with your daily life. Stabilization and a longer shelf life have always been among the highest priorities in many different processing industries but, especially nowadays, as lifestyles continue to change rapidly, they are becoming more and more valued.
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